In this tutorial, we’ll break down how you can use osquery’s ATC feature to expand osquery’s data collection capabilities. As an example, we will look into how to tap into macOS’ quarantine events database to search files to help locate malware a user may have downloaded from a web browser. But before we dig into the details, let’s start at the beginning.
What Is an ATC table?
ATC (automatic table construction) is a method which can expose the contents of local SQLite database file as an osquery virtual table.
ATC was added to osquery by Mitchell Grenier (obelisk) in response to a number of virtual table pull requests which all functioned by parsing SQLite databases. Rather than approving each table as a separate pull request, Mitchell took the opportunity to add a native SQLite parsing method to osquery, which would allow adding any number of new virtual tables on a customizable basis.
Why Is Parsing SQLite DBs Useful?
Many applications use SQLite databases as a storage method for application data, including things like:
Google Chrome Browser History
1Password Vault Sync Configuration
Skype Call History
iMessage Chat History
macOS Quarantine Events (System-wide Download History)
As these examples illustrate, while application databases can provide tremendous
utility, they also represent a potential concern for user privacy
(a core tenet of osquery’s security philosophy). There are times however,
where the introspection of databases can be invaluable to an Incident Response
team in their forensics gathering (eg. the aforementioned Quarantine Events
While you may be concerned by the privacy implications of reading databases containing PII, you can take some solace in the fact that ATC tables must be declared at a configuration level in osquery and are not as simple as:
Let’s examine a real life scenario in which ATC tables could be utilized to expand the data collection capabilities of osquery.
Searching the macOS Download History Using ATC:
“My computer was infected with malware, but don’t worry I cleaned it up.”
There are few things more frustrating to an incidence response team than the needless deletion of evidentiary findings. Discovering the active presence of malware on a device is of the highest concern. However, it is equally vital to know about the past-presence of malware and its respective source of origin (eg. an installer download link sent via email).
Yet, combing through various download history files is no one’s idea of fun, and not all applications keep a record.
You might be surprised to learn however, that if you are using an Apple computer, a record of every file you’ve ever downloaded exists on your device. No matter whether it was downloaded in Safari, Chrome, Mail.app, AirDrop, or any other 3rd party application, it’s right there all in one convenient location:
Files downloaded from external sources are embedded with metadata exposing their source of origin and the timestamp of when they were downloaded. The historical record of this embedded metadata is subsequently kept in the aforementioned database QuarantineEvents.
You can inspect this metadata on an individual file within Finder by
right-clicking on an item in your Downloads folder and clicking Get Info
What’s more, this metadata, including the Where From
, is cached by
macOS Spotlight and can be queried against using osquery as in the
following example:
SELECTf.path,f.size,datetime(f.btime,'unixepoch')ASfile_createdFROMfilefJOINmdfindONmdfind.path=f.pathANDmdfind.query="kMDItemWhereFroms = '*ubuntu.com*'"
path = /Users/fritz-imac/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso
size = 1953349632
file_created = 2018-10-05 13:25:09
Conceivably, we could get a list of all downloaded files on a device by
querying the mdfind
table for any file where kMDItemWhereFroms
is not
blank, however, this would only expose files which were still present on disk.
The real beauty of QuarantineEvents is the ability to introspect the historical
record of downloads. Unfortunately, there isn’t a quarantine_events
table in vanilla osquery… but using a custom ATC configuration,
there can be!
Quarantine Events ATC Table Configuration
The basic anatomy of the config block is pretty self explanatory, but we will still break it down for the sake of being thorough:
So what does that look like in practice?
Using the example of QuarantineEvents let’s examine a sample osquery configuration file which you can try at home:
{"auto_table_construction":{"quarantine_items":{"query":"SELECT LSQuarantineEventIdentifier as id, LSQuarantineAgentName as agent_name, LSQuarantineAgentBundleIdentifier as agent_bundle_identifier, LSQuarantineTypeNumber as type, LSQuarantineDataURLString as data_url,LSQuarantineOriginURLString as origin_url, LSQuarantineSenderName as sender_name, LSQuarantineSenderAddress as sender_address, LSQuarantineTimeStamp as timestamp from LSQuarantineEvent","path":"/Users/%/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.QuarantineEventsV2","columns":["id","type","agent_name","agent_bundle_identifier","timestamp","sender_name","sender_address","origin_url","data_url"]}}}
Passing the config File to Test in Osqueryi
Because ATC tables are generated based on a configuration file, we need to pass that file to osqueryi. We can run the following command to pass a custom config and return the build process and any errors that might occur:
sudo /usr/local/bin/osqueryi --verbose --config_path**
Once the config file has been passed, you should be able to query the table as
if it were any other virtual table in osquery
(including support for tab completion).
So in the case of our earlier example quarantine_items
agent_name = Chrome
origin_url = https://www.hopperapp.com/download.html?
data_url = https://d2ap6ypl1xbe4k.cloudfront.net/Hopper-4.3.16-demo.dmg
And it’s as simple as that! You’ve just extended the data source capabilities of your osquery installation! Let’s go over some of the subsequent things you might want to do.
Closing the Loop: Finding Downloaded Files on Disk
SELECTmdfind.path,ROUND((f.size*10e-7),2)ASsize_megabytes,datetime(f.btime,'unixepoch')ASfile_created,MAX(CASEWHENmd.key='kMDItemWhereFroms'THENmd.valueEND)ASdownload_source_csvFROMmdfindLEFTJOINmdlsmdONmdfind.path=md.pathJOINfilefONf.path=mdfind.pathANDmdfind.query="kMDItemWhereFroms == '*google.com*'c"GROUPBYf.path;
Using the mdfind
table we can procedurally return the paths of any file
downloaded from the web, still on disk, by cross referencing three tables:
(finding the path of files that have akMDItemWhereFroms
(finding the quarantineeventid)quarantine_items
(finding the download metadata)
The below query would return the last three items which you downloaded:
SELECTmdfind.path,f.size,datetime(f.btime,'unixepoch')ASfile_created,ea.valueASquarantine_event_id,(SELECTdata_urlfromquarantine_itemsWHEREid=ea.value)ASdata_urlFROMextended_attributeseaJOINmdfindONmdfind.path=ea.pathJOINfilefONf.path=mdfind.pathANDmdfind.query="kMDItemWhereFroms = 'http*'"ANDea.key='quarantine_event_id'ANDdata_url!=''GROUPBYea.valueORDERBYf.btimeDESCLIMIT3;
Caveats to ATC Functionality
Properly formatting the ATC configuration blocks
It’s important to note that due to the JSON
formatting of the ATC
configuration block, you must adhere to certain idiosyncratic patterns.
For example, you cannot include line-breaks in the content of your query
section, doing so will produce the following error state:
E1207 09:36:10.862380 249753088 config.cpp:869] updateSource failed to parse config, of source:/Users/fritz/Downloads/quarantine-events.json and content:{...ATC query...}I1207 09:36:10.862442 249753088 init.cpp:618] Error reading config:Error parsing the config JSON
Likewise, if you mistakenly declare a column that does not exist or select from a table that does not exist you will encounter a rather vague error:
I1207 09:40:43.539501 282201600 virtual_sqlite_table.cpp:111] ATC table:Could not prepare database at path:"/Users/fritz/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.QuarantineEventsV2"W1207 09:40:43.540674 282201600 auto_constructed_tables.cpp:47] ATC Table:Error Code:1 Could not generate data:Could not prepare database for path /Users/%/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.QuarantineEventsV2
Double-checking that your query works in a terminal first is critical to ensuring your configuration block is going to be interpreted as you expect:
LSQuarantineEventIdentifier as id,
LSQuarantineAgentName as agent_name,
LSQuarantineAgentBundleIdentifier as agent_bundle_identifier,
LSQuarantineTypeNumber as type,
LSQuarantineDataURLString as data_url,
LSQuarantineOriginURLString as origin_url,
LSQuarantineSenderName as sender_name,
LSQuarantineSenderAddress as sender_address,
LSQuarantineTimeStamp as timestamp
FROM LSQuarantineEvent;"
2B5CD5A1-C85C-4400-BEC4-469FF01B5CFC|sharingd||6|||Fritz Ifert-Miller||660060258.698253
3863CBCC-3ED5-4000-B127-9D39D5AE718C|sharingd||6|||Fritz Ifert-Miller||660060153.611904
Knowing our query actually returns data from the database when queried directly is invaluable!
Windows path nuances
Although ATC works with all of the platforms, you must be mindful of
differences in path formatting across operating systems. Unix based
systems use the /foo/bar/
convention; whereas, paths defined in your
Windows ATC config will need to be formatted with double \
We use \\
to properly escape the \
character in SQLite. For example:
\\Users\\%\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\%\\History
No data-typing
ATC tables do not preserve their respective datatypes when they are parsed and
imported by osquery. As a result, all data is stored in the string format and
must be CONVERT
‘ed or CAST
back to the desired datatype
(eg. int
, float
, boolean
, etc.) if
you would like to interact with it as a specific type.
Sample Osquery ATC Configurations:
I’ve included a few sample configurations here which you can play with in your own osquery instance if you are so inclined.
Google Chrome Login Keychain
Returns a list of all website logins performed within Google Chrome:
{"auto_table_construction":{"chrome_login_keychain":{"query":"SELECT origin_url, action_url, username_value, password_element FROM logins","path":"/Users/%/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Login Data","columns":["origin_url","action_url","username_value","password_element"],"platform":"darwin"}}}
Google Chrome Browser History
Returns the browser history stored by Google Chrome
If you would like to try all of the mentioned tables for yourself and merely download the configuration file you can find it at the following Gist:
{"auto_table_construction":{"quarantine_items":{"query":"SELECT LSQuarantineEventIdentifier as id, LSQuarantineAgentName as agent_name, LSQuarantineAgentBundleIdentifier as agent_bundle_identifier, LSQuarantineTypeNumber as type, LSQuarantineDataURLString as data_url,LSQuarantineOriginURLString as origin_url, LSQuarantineSenderName as sender_name, LSQuarantineSenderAddress as sender_address, LSQuarantineTimeStamp as timestamp from LSQuarantineEvent","path":"/Users/%/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.QuarantineEventsV2","columns":["id","type","agent_name","agent_bundle_identifier","timestamp","sender_name","sender_address","origin_url","data_url"]},"chrome_browser_history":{"query":"SELECT urls.id id, urls.url url, urls.title title, urls.visit_count visit_count, urls.typed_count typed_count, urls.last_visit_time last_visit_time, urls.hidden hidden, visits.visit_time visit_time, visits.from_visit from_visit, visits.visit_duration visit_duration, visits.transition transition, visit_source.source source FROM urls JOIN visits ON urls.id = visits.url LEFT JOIN visit_source ON visits.id = visit_source.id","path":"/Users/%/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/%/History","columns":["path","id","url","title","visit_count","typed_count","last_visit_time","hidden","visit_time","visit_duration","source"],"platform":"darwin"},"chrome_login_keychain":{"query":"SELECT origin_url, action_url, username_value, password_element FROM logins","path":"/Users/%/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Login Data","columns":["origin_url","action_url","username_value","password_element"],"platform":"darwin"}}}
How Does Kolide Use ATC?
As we’ve seen in this article, ATC is an incredibly powerful feature of osquery that can be used to dramatically expand the scope of its data collection. To ensure the integrity of privacy promises, we maintain control over which ATC tables are deployed to the agent and use the feature to power our flagship features like inventory and checks.
Kolide’s product uses ATC to enable the following use cases:
- To locate two-factor backup codes downloaded via Chrome and Firefox Windows and Linux Devices
- To enumerate macOS’ permissions database in inventory
- To enumerate Windows Update history
- To verify specific settings in apps that use SQLite DB (like 1Password)
Additional Reading
If you are interested in some of the other concepts presenting in this post I would strongly encourage you to read my past article:
Spotlight search across every Mac in your fleet
Learn how with osquery you can use the native macOS mdfind
utility to
instantaneously search for the presence of files containing arbitrary
strings to locate customer DB backups or other improperly stored sensitive
The File Table: Osquery’s Secret Weapon
A primer on the capabilities and limitations of osquery’s file
and how you can use it in conjunction with the concepts discussed in this
article and the Spotlight article.
If you’d like to read more osquery content like this, sign up for our biweekly newsletter.