Today, I’m delighted to announce that Kolide is joining 1Password.
Before I delve into why this is great news, let me answer some of your most immediate questions. First, Kolide’s product isn’t going anywhere. More importantly, we (the humans of Kolide) aren’t going anywhere. As part of 1Password, we expect our roadmap to both accelerate and become more ambitious. As a fully intact team, we are continuing to build, iterate, support, and sell Kolide within 1Password. If your experience with us changes, our expectation is that it’s only because it got better.
So why do this? Why 1Password? Let me explain with one of my favorite quotes from Andy Warhol:
“What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.”
The quote hasn’t aged perfectly, but Andy’s sentiment has been forever seared into my soul. Everyone deserves the best we as a species have to offer. If I had to think of a security brand that embodies the spirit of this quote, it could only be 1Password.1
1Password is a product I have enthusiastically recommended to all that would listen for over a decade. From the most discerning cybersecurity experts to my mom, I know it will be the best password manager they could ever use. I can do that because they make the incredibly complicated world of password authentication and secret storage feel so simple, you can’t even remember why you ever worried about it in the first place. By using it, you feel confident, not just because it works well, but because the people who made it—who poured everything they had into it—stand behind it.
It was always my hope that we at Kolide should do for device security what 1Password has done for password management. It is my belief that every person in the world deserves to use computers with dignity and without fear of being taken advantage of by criminals and bad actors who seek to degrade, deny, or destroy the incredible things we all accomplish with the help of these magical devices.
When I wrote Honest Security, it was a manifesto meant to inspire our industry to reverse the toxic methods IT and security teams use to solve device security problems. Instead of solutions that pound “users” into submission, we should educate and empower human beings to protect themselves by simplifying the enormous task of securing their devices.
When we released Kolide Device Trust last February, we finally shipped the product that delivered on the promises made in Honest Security. We were instantly inundated with folks looking to deploy a zero-trust access model that not only protected their apps but gave their users the tools to solve problems on their own. It worked, and we grew and grew and grew.
It’s been clear since the launch of Device Trust that we need to get these capabilities into everyone’s hands. 1Password shares the same spirit and heart that made it possible for us to create a product like Kolide in the first place. Together, we can get the best way to secure devices and apps into everyone’s hands, no matter who you are.
We hope you are as excited as we are about this next step in our journey. We can’t wait to show you what comes next.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are incredibly excited to announce that Kolide is joining 1Password. This acquisition secures our future and enables us to continue bringing user-first security to everyone, as part of a company that shares our values and goals.
1Password views Kolide as an important part of their future plans and values both our product and our team. (As a mark of our mutual enthusiasm, 100% of Kolide’s staff is joining 1Password.) We want to bring you, our valued customers, with us for this next chapter. Let’s start by answering some of your questions:
As a Kolide customer, what does this acquisition mean for me?
In the short-term, Kolide will feel essentially the same–our products and services aren’t going anywhere. But you can look forward to how this acquisition will improve Kolide’s products and services going forward. We will benefit immeasurably from 1Password’s talent and resources and we plan to work on projects reflecting our shared vision for user-first security.
Plus, you get the confidence of knowing that Kolide is now a part of 1Password–a company that boasts incredible success and a sterling reputation. You can feel good knowing that Kolide’s product, which you rely on, has a stable and secure future.
What changes should I expect to Kolide Device Trust?
You can expect more of the same great product you’re using today, with future improvements to features and options for SSO integration.
Will you still support the Kolide Device Trust Okta integration?
Yes! We will continue to support and sell the Okta integration to existing and new customers. We have no plans to stop offering Device Trust via Okta, only to grow and expand it, including adding support for Okta’s newly released features.
What changes should I expect to Kolide K2? Can I still use my Slack-based Kolide?
There are no planned changes to Kolide K2. Existing customers will be able to use the Slack app as usual for the foreseeable future.
Does this mean that in the future you’ll support other Auth providers in addition to Okta?
Yes! We’re currently in R&D on future integrations and will be able to deliver them faster now that we’re part of 1Password.
Will Kolide remain an independent product, or will it become packaged with 1Password?
Kolide will remain available for sale as a standalone product.
Will there be a pricing change as a result of this acquisition?
No, there are no planned changes to pricing.
Will there be changes to service or support?
No, please continue to engage with us as usual. The same channels you’ve always used for support are still available today, and all our staff (including Emily and Dan!) are joining us.
Can I add Kolide to my 1Password subscription?
Not yet! But rest assured, we will be working on ways for Kolide users to explore 1Password and for 1Password customers to explore Kolide.
I have more questions–who can I talk to?
We’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to support for more details and context.
The irony is not lost on me that 1Password is actually a Canadian company. Just let me have this one. ↩